I seriously need to try to chart this out....
(this picture was taken from a thread on the "Mr Rogers Sweater Day" group on Ravelry, and is a picture of a sweater that someone called Norwegian Star custom Knitting knits to sell. too rich for my blood, for sure....)
It's about time, you little wayward blogger. That is great. an American hero for sure. Think you can do it? If so, you're abetter man than I am Gunga Din.
o be still my heart.
that is the most wonderful sweater i have ever seen. it is a sweater without fault...
name that reference, quick and no looking!
Hard CORE!!! If only I wore swedderz...
ANyway, It's been a time and three times and a time since we talked last, how've you bean? Pinto? Garbonzo? Frijoles negros?
I hope to do them all, I bought a pipe a couple days ago, and I am baking bread at a buddies house as I type these very words, but as a matter of independently baking bread, this will take more time, of course. There is a blacksmithing course that I hope to partake upon with a friend of mine in April, and cleaning up a park with folks fromthe bible study I go to I also want to add to the list.
Do you happen to have any tips on canning food? It is very exiting to me to know that you do these many things!! My heart is warmmered!!
daaaaang. that's a new level of sweater right there.
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